Eight Easy Steps To Get Rid Of Spiders Inside Your Home

As temperatures drop and summer fades, spiders seek refuge indoors. Fortunately, there are simple ways to prevent them from invading your home.

1. Peppermint Essential Oil

Spiders detest the potent aroma of peppermint essential oil. Place a few drops on cotton balls and scatter them in spider-prone areas. Ensure pets and children cannot access them due to potential harm if ingested.

2. Cinnamon

Bugs, including spiders, are repelled by cinnamon. Sprinkle it around your home’s exterior, focusing on entry points like doorways and windows, to deter spiders from entering.

3. Distilled Vinegar

Create a solution of equal parts distilled vinegar and water, then spray it on and around cracks in your home. Spiders dislike the smell and will avoid treated areas.

4. Cedar Hangers

Swap regular hangers for cedar ones to discourage spiders from nesting in closets. Cedar’s scent repels spiders, reducing the likelihood of webs in your wardrobe.

5. Citrus Rinds

Spiders and pests loathe citrus aromas. Place orange or lemon rinds strategically around your home or lightly rub them on surfaces to intensify the scent and repel spiders.

6. Lemon Furniture Polish

Utilize lemon furniture polish on wooden surfaces to further discourage spiders from lingering indoors. The citrus scent acts as a natural deterrent.

7. Chestnuts

Surprisingly, chestnuts contain compounds spiders find unappealing. Position them under furniture, in closets, and in basements to discourage spiders from inhabiting these areas.

8. Coconut Oil

Create a solution of coconut oil and water, then spray it around cracks and crevices in your home. Spiders dislike the smell and texture of coconut oil, making it an effective barrier against their intrusion.

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