Pat Sajak talks about his urgent procedure.

The “Wheel of Fortune” host, Pat Sajak, discusses how he underwent emergency surgery a month ago for a blocked bowel. Sajak acknowledged to “Good Morning America” in…

Only certain few people can see the horse hidden in this picture – are you one of the special ones?

There is a good reason why optical illusions are so well-liked worldwide. Who doesn’t enjoy playing with perception, let’s face it? Who doesn’t enjoy being incredibly perplexed…

UK’s ‘youngest ever mum gives birth aged 12 with family unaware of pregnancy’

A girl who has given birth aged 11 is believed to be the youngest ever mother in the UK with a family unaware she was pregnant, according…

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s lovechild blamed by half siblings for breaking family, ‘don’t love him’ 

Despite being blamed by his step siblings as the lovechild who terminated their family, Joseph Baena is thrilled to have Arnold Schwarzenegger as his father, whom he…

Flight Attendant Gives Hilarious Response To An Arrogant Rich Woman

The airline industry has certainly seen its share of problems in recent years. Not only do they have to deal with people who are often frustrated, they…

How many ducks are in the picture? The viral challenge sweeping the internet, explained

How lots of ducks are there in the picture? The viral puzzle at the moment sweeping the internet. There are 9 ducks suitable? Completely wrong. It is…

This License Plate Is Going Viral for Surprising Reason!

A Nevada license plate sparked a viral sensation on Facebook with the message “Go back to California,” garnering over 80 thousand likes. However, the plate has now…

Mysterious Item That Nearly Broke the Internet’s Curiosity

Introducing the Glass Tubing Cutter A Glass Tubing Cutter is a specialized tool engineered to precisely and efficiently cut glass tubes in commercial and industrial settings. Equipped…

Potato Pancakes

A Versatile Dish: Potato Pancakes Preparation Steps To prepare this delightful dish, begin by preheating the oven to 200°F and placing two nonstick baking sheets inside. Grate…

What Do You See When You Stare at This Eye Test?

Leave it to an optical illusion to mess with your eyesight! In this particular eye test, a number can be seen — but are you able to decipher it? It…